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Book Prices Continue to Increase After COVID

Rows of books.

By Shaina Lucas, PPS Editor The COVID-19 pandemic affected the world in every aspect: health, supply-chain demands, and inflation. We’ve seen costs rise on just about everything. But why books? Wouldn’t supply and demand keep the costs of books down since we are in a digital age with more books than anyone could ever read in their lifetime? One would…

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Plagiarism in the World of Generative AI

A robot using a laptop computer.

By Rachel Guise, PPS Editor Generative artificial intelligence (AI) has become incredibly popular in 2023 through TikTok trends that turn selfies into portraits from other centuries and different fantasies to Snapchat’s My AI chatbot. This new technology has greatly affected all aspects of the creative industry. Let’s discuss how generative AI affects the publishing industry. First, a definition of generative…

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The XYZs of XML Editing

By Rachel Guise, PPS Editor XML is a language very similar to HTML used to create and format a document. The key difference is that XML is human language as opposed to HTML’s computer language. Take a look at PPS’s earlier blog for a more in-depth explanation of XML. To some, XML may be intimidating as it appears that it…

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Migration to Online Collaboration Editing

By Rachel Guise and Shaina Lucas, PPS Editors −  It comes up in a meeting that you and your colleagues need to create a document together. Or say you’re in college and you have a group paper to work on regarding a subject you’re all familiar with. If you’re in the publishing world, how do you get the correct document…

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Automated Alt Text: Can a Computer Comprehend What Humans Can?

By Rachel Guise, PPS Editor  −   If you’re not sure what alternative (alt) text is, or simply need a refresher, take a look at our blog titled Alt-Textually Speaking: What Is Alt Text and Why Do We Need It? for a quick crash course on this publishing term. We also have a blog on the possibility of technology replacing an…

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Mechanical Editing: Does It Stand Up to a Real Person?

by Rachel Guise, PPS Editor - Have you read our blog on the possibility of technology replacing an editor? It’s never been easier to have assistance in terms of writing and editing, but not all aspects of the editing process can replace a human. Credit: Freepik pch.vector A mechanical edit, like for instructions on projects with gears or buttons? Yes…

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Book Down, Headphones On: Audiobooks Are a Hot Trend

Spurred on by the COVID-19 crisis of the last two years, which saw most people “sheltering in place” for extended periods, eBooks and audiobooks saw a spike in popularity. This spike is part of an increasing trend for both mediums as they continue to gain on printed books in terms of sales. According to Josh Howarth in his article on…

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Top 5 Customer Service Tricks for Your Customers and You

By Shaina Lucas, PPS Editor - Now that we’re into the new year, business is picking up. This may be crunch time to add new accounts, follow-up with ones from the year prior, or start new reports and projects, possibly even finishing up some older ones. Sometimes, more work can be hard to handle and can cause employee burnout. When…

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We continue to strive to be your go-to provider for all things in the world of publishing. Looking forward to a great 2022 by your side as your team member and trusted partner!

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